Monday, October 12, 2009

In Which I Advise Myself

So awhile ago, I saw a blog in which the writer was giving her younger self advice. At that time I meant to write a similar post, but I never did. Today, I rectify that. So from the ripe old age of 29, here are some things I know now that I wish I had known sooner.
  • You won't always have the same friends. And this is OK. What's not OK is doing things just because your friends are doing them. If something doesn't feel right, don't do it.
  • On the other hand, Juliet, there's no reason not to have a little fun. It's entirely fine to have fun and occasionally blow things off. Just decide which things are important to you, and don't blow them off.
  • It will be easier if you learn to keep your emotions in check. You may never be entirely successful at this, but try not to overreact.
  • Don't coast so much. Even if you're good at things, you can get better.
  • Money ... you'll be fine. Sometimes you will definitely be finer than others, but it's not worth wasting too much time worrying about it.
  • You are not good at directions. Get a definite plan and directions before you go.
  • Being honest with people is always better. Just say it. You don't have to be mean. Stringing someone along and being miserable is never the best option. And don't pretend that you like people and things you don't.
  • Get the allergy medicine from behind the counter by the pharmacist. It's worth it.
  • Don't be defined by inertia. It's not a reason to stay in a relationship, apartment or party. Or really anything else.
  • Be bold. Not obnoxious, bold.

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